Mindset and Skills Training for Corporates and Universities

to Help Your People and Your organisation

Embrace Volatility and Increase Performance and Creativity.


Customised creativity and innovation programme

Whether you are an innovative Leader / educator with an ambitious vision that needs legs, or an innovation agency, with an unusual program idea, let’s co-design together

πŸ•‘ : To be discussed

πŸ—‚ : Case Study

Train your Facilitator for online and hybrid collaboration and optimal delivery

Design and Facilitate promote engagement, connection and collaboration (available on online collaboration platforms such as Mural, Miro, Slack…)

πŸ•‘ : 5 weeks self-paced support, with recommended deadlines for assignments and a time commitment of roughly 3 hours/week. 

πŸ—‚ : Case Study




Unleash your team's creativity, innovative mindset and ways of delivering value!

You are an Innovative Leader who shapes reality, builds momentum and creates movements. You dare to take risks. You care about the people you work with and the people you work for. You see your work as a force for good.


From individuals to creative team

Refine you team mental model of work and mutual trust, clarify intra- and inter-team communication, shorten the integration of new colleagues

πŸ•‘ : 3 modules of 2h (can work independently)

πŸ—‚ : Case Study

Business team building - in partnership with Business Games

Build your team’s confidence : help your staff understand that they can effectively complete tasks together

πŸ•‘ : Online immersive 2h gameplay with our Partner Business Games

πŸ—‚ : Case Study

Strengthen your team creative thinking and ability to improvise

Unlock the creative potential of your team and avoid groupthink to innovate better

πŸ•‘ : Available in 2h or 4h workshops

πŸ—‚ : Case Study

Foster collaboration and innovation

Participants are equipped with tools and techniques to understand the unmet needs of your consumers, generate more creative ideas to create value for your business and increase their capacity for fast decision making and testing of their ideas

πŸ•‘ : Available from a 90 minute methodology discovery workshop to an in-depth 3 x 3h training

πŸ—‚ : Case Study