Accelerating Digital Transformation and Reinventing Business Models

Design, facilitating learning expeditions (LEX) for executives in the Tel Aviv dynamic innovation ecosystems - with InnovationIsEverywhere


“Silicon Valley no longer has the monopoly on tech innovation”: new startups in Asia, Middle East and Europe are emerging with new ideas and technologies, diversifying innovative power to various ecosystems at a world scale.

Our partner, InnovationIsEverywhere was looking for a lead facilitator to design the journey for guest of his direct client, help these guests connect better with the relevant startups, investors and peers and reflect on the level of innovation maturity in their respective organisations. The aim was for the final client to understand better each guest’s problematic while knowing these were very sensitive informations and help foster partnerships and deals amongst his guests.


80 CTOs and CEOs together with 17 Staf from our clients engaged with 20 stakeholders of the innovative ecosystem in Tel Aviv

3 facilitators trained and supported

The Learning expedition in Israel was such a success that we decided to pursue the partnership with InnovationIsEverywhere and iterate 4 more learning expeditions with the client in other innovative ecosystems such as Berlin, London. etc.

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Learning expeditions are journeys into the near future. They are “wake-up calls for Excoms, GMs and leadership teams who experience real change and a cultural shock by meeting with relevant entrepreneurs, investors, experts and peers” says our partner InnovationIsEverywhere. In other words, experiential learning through physical exploration of these different ecosystems – from Kuala Lumpur to Seoul and Shenzhen to Bangalore – is still the best way to keep up with the ever evolving trends. Key benefits of such tours involve understanding new behaviors, testing out the latest prototypes and engaging key stakeholders in high-level partnerships.


Our partner has been leading learning expedition for the past 5 years and was specialised in selecting leading market in the area of interest of its client, partnering with connectors to identify and reach out to main player in the ecosystem, and combining the tour with key local events in a turn key solution manner.

When one of the GAFA came to them, the question was not just bring their top management and teams. They wanted to also bring their partners and clients to go on a learning expedition in Tel Aviv. And this is when we join the expedition to bring the human experience to the next level.

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We proposed to regroup participants in small groups with a high diversity of industries to maximise transdisciplinarity and increase collision of view points for participants. And for that, we needed a very safe space thus, we designed a strong inclusion process to build trust and understanding amongst guest, and articulated a series of individual reflective times with workshops enabling participants to

  • Clarify their vision of the level of innovation they wish for their organisation

  • identify what was missing between their vision and their current reality

  • Define key learnings from the visits that they could share with their staff once back in their own organisation, in order to refine their strategy, accelerate their digital transformation and even reinvent their business model

  • And Establish peer learning circles to receive feedback about the draft strategy they had identify to accelerate their transformation.


Leveraging a community of practice to address priority concerns in the social sector


Building a visionary spirit and promoting responsible innovation